Recent Research

PFPE Lubricant Kinetics
A hybrid simulation technique was developed to track the trajectory of lubricant molecules in the head-disk interface.
Tom, R.M., Cheng, Q. & Bogy, D.B. A Numerical Simulation of PFPE Lubricant Kinetics in HAMR Air Bearing [Link]

Ballistic Material Transport
When the head-disk spacing in hard drives is less than a few nanometers, the random thermal motions can cause particles to ballistically “jump” to the head surface.
R. M. Tom and D. B. Bogy, “Ballistic material transport in HAMR head-disk interface,” 2023 IEEE 34th Magnetic Recording Conference (TMRC), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2023, [Link]

Nanoscale Heat Transfer
Cheng, Qilong, and David B. Bogy. “Experimental Study of Nanoscale Head-Disk Heat Transfer In Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording.”
Sakhalkar, S., Q. Cheng, A. Ghafari, Y. Ma, and David Bogy. “Numerical and experimental investigation of heat transfer across a nanoscale gap between a magnetic recording head and various media.” Applied Physics Letters 115, no. 22 (2019).